


案例分享 - 幼儿园屋面第一篇






Hello and welcome back.

We are now saying goodbye to the warmer days, and as now we are welcoming the colder weather, we would like to share with you another case. This time we will be going to Yangzhou, a beautiful city in Jiangsu with a rich culture and famous for its breakfast (扬州早茶). It’s not only owners that need waterproofing for their homes but also commercial buildings, schools, offices, public buildings etc. In this case we will look at how a kindergarten solved their roof leaking problem with the application of hahne’s Roof Waterproofing Systems.




In the beautiful city center of Yangzhou, located in a compound we can find Four Seasons Kindergarten (四季园幼儿园). It is a kindergarten of an important size with several classrooms hosting many children. The waterproofing of this kindergarten is made of PVC roof membrane. This type of membrane is commonly used around China’s rooftops as the application is practical. But this type of system comes with several problems.


Ms. Wang

- 我们的教室是孩子们学习和玩耍的空间,所以漏水的屋顶不适合教室环境。一下大雨,教室的天花板就开始滴水。我想知道为什么屋顶做了防水材料却还是会漏水。

- Our classrooms are spaces where the children should be learning and play safely, so having a leaking roof is not ideal for the classroom environment. During heavy rains, the ceiling is dripping in the classroom. I wonder why the roof is still leaking even though it is waterproofed.


The teacher is asking a good question, and the answer is quite interesting. PVC roof membranes when used alone can offer some disadvantages. For the first, rows of PVC need to be attached to each other. This may allow for many fault points that, if the application is not done properly, may allow water to pass through. Secondly, PVC roof membranes are not as flexible, so often many parts of the roof as joints and other structures will not be protected by the membrane. This will allow for some parts of the roof to not be waterproofed. Thirdly, PVC roof membranes if not applied correctly may create bubble of water that in the long run will seep into the roof.



Ms. Wang

- 我们的首要任务是儿童的安全和幸福,所以我们决定更换现有的屋面防水材料。市场上有这么多选择,我们很难抉择哪种类型的防水是最好的。

- Our priority is the children’s safety and well-being, because of this we decided to replace the roof waterproofing. With so many options in the market it was difficult for us to understand what type of waterproofing was the best one.


The painting near the joints of the ceiling and walls in some the of the classrooms show clear signs of water infiltration: discoloration and displacement of the painting, mold formation and leaking. After making the decision to replace the waterproofing on the roof, the kindergarten started their research for a waterproofing system suitable for their needs.


Ms. Wang

- 我们对市场上可用的系统解决方案数量之庞大感到无从下手。我们对防水知识也并不了解,但当我们遇到悍能的销售代表时,我们知道找对人了。

- We were overwhelmed on the amount of system solutions available in the market. We didn’t know that much about waterproofing, but when we met hahne’s sales representee, we were already sure that we were on the right track.


Hahne’s sales representee went immediately to site to check the status of the roof. After the assessment he offered a suitable solution between our 3 roof waterproofing systems and products: BITUFLEX.



In the next edition we will continue our case and see how the hahne team helped the kindergarten to solve their issue. In the meantime, please feel free to check our previous posts on the WeChat official account or to check our Inspiration Space mini program.