


案例分享 - 别墅地下室第一篇




In a survey conducted by a Chinese university with the scope to get an overview over the waterproofing abilities of buildings in China.The results were really worrying. It was found that over 95% percent of the building surveyed in major cities in China had water leakage. These results show how important it is for owners to take proper actions to improve the home’s ability to keep water and humidity outside the living space, creating a comfortable and healthy environment for its inhabitants.




Today we would like to present you a recent story about a newly built villa in Zhejiang province. The villa is in the outskirts of Jinhua, surrounded by beautiful nature. The owner, Ms. Zhang, is very proud of her new living space. After a year of planning and constructions, Ms. Zhang was ready to take over her finished and fully decorated house, and start enjoying her new living space. But she discovered something that is the nightmare of every villa owner.


After taking over her beautiful new home, she noticed that near the baseboards in her basement small water droplets were forming. At the beginning she dismissed the problem thinking that the high heat and humidity in the air of the summer in Zhejiang were the main cause. But after a while, in another room in the basement she discovered that the water formation was not limited to the corners of the basement but 1cm of water was covering the floor.




Ms. Zhang

- 起初,我以为是水管连接出问题了,于是关闭水管总闸并将该区域清理干净,没想到的是几天功夫,水就又回来了!

- At first, I was afraid a pipe was not properly connected, but after closing the main waterline of the house and drying the area, I was surprised that in a matter of days, the water came back! 


Unfortunately, what Ms. Zhang has experienced, as we have already mentioned, it is common in China. Many will think that the concrete of the foundation will provide enough protection for water infiltration, but this is not the case. Concrete is tough and solid, but is also a porous material, allowing water and humidity infiltration. This will also cause damage and cracking to the painting of the walls and allow mold to grow freely in the affected areas, making the living space a health hazard.


- 我开始注意到墙面的涂料发生开裂起鼓,甚至脱落,还出现了小黑点,我并没有意识到那就是霉菌!我以为那是涂料变色了。

- I started to notice in various parts of the wall that the new painting was falling apart, and some black spots were forming. I was not aware that that was mold. I thought that was some discoloration of the paint.


We cannot imagine how Ms. Zhang felt when discovering all this water infiltration in her new home. In the second part of this story, we will tell you how the hahne team has supported and helped Ms. Zhang in her journey to complete her dream house.